Thursday, 25 September 2014

M1 Work

M1 - Explain the advantages and potential disadvantages of installation or upgrade of new software




In this piece of work I will be explaining the advantage and the disadvantages of installing or upgrading to new software and will give some example.



New Features:

When upgrading new software it will come with new features that will make your computer faster and much easier to use which allows you to get work done faster. An example of some new features you may have when you upgrade to new software would be if you were upgrading to windows 8 from windows 7 you would get some new features such as touchscreen like a tablet and cloud storage where you could save a piece of work onto your cloud profile and then continue working on that piece of work from a different computer at work or at some one else house using your cloud storage.

Fixes Bugs:

When you upgrade to new software it will fix any bugs you had when you were using your old software making things easier on you and you won’t have to stress yourself in case a bug occurs and none of your work is saved. The impact this will have on your computer will be that it now runs much faster than it did before and you will not encounter the bug anymore because you have fixed it. This means your computer is safer from encountering bugs.






Improves PC Performance:

Your PC performance will improve once you have upgraded to new software because you are no longer using an older version, which means you PC will run more smooth and faster. Before you upgraded to newer software your computer could have been running really slow and crashing a lot and you may not have known the reason behind this but once you upgraded to a new software all of this could have stopped for you.

New GUI:

You will get a new GUI when you upgrade your software making things easier to find if you couldn’t find them before and it will also make you PC look better and run better.

Saves Storage:

Upgrading to new software takes up less storage, which leaves you with more memory for all your work. Before you could have had not that much room o you where always storing things onto backup drives or deleting things you do no need anymore, but when you upgrade to a new software you may get a better storage device which can save more work than before and then you would not have to save stuff on to a backup drive or even delete stuff anymore.

Better quality work:

When you have upgraded to new software the quality of your work may get better because of new features and programs on the system that makes it easier for you to work which will allow you to produce better quality for work.

Easier to use:

The new system that you have upgraded to might be a whole lot easier to use than the older system you were using before and this will benefit you because you will know how to use it without getting any help and will make work less stressful for you.   




Cost to buy:

It can be very expensive to upgrade to a new system so if you don’t have the money and your old system starts to face errors and crashes a lot and you need a piece of work done by a certain time then you will be facing problems and may end up late with the work. 

Older h/w or s/w:

You may upgrade to a new system but not get any new hardware and software because you don’t think you have to but then you will be using the same old hardware and software as before which may face a lot of bugs. Older hardware and software can be outdated and face a lot of problems down the road which could be very bad for you because one day everything could be working fine and the next your computers encounters a problem and deletes everything on it meaning you just lost all of your work. Therefor it is better to upgrading o new hardware or software.


Sometimes upgrading to a new system can be good and may work fine without any problems for you, but other times when upgrading to a new system you may encounter bugs that have not been fixed yet and you may have to wait until a patch is realised to fix these bugs meaning you may not be able to use any of the new features to their full. 

Installation time:

It can take a very long time to install new software which is a disadvantage because while you are waiting on the software to install you are missing out on time that could be used to do work that you may need done.  

Worse than the original, may not be what you thought:

The new software that you have just upgraded to could be worse than the older one that you were using, there may be a lot of bugs that need fixed and it could run a whole lot slower and you may find out that you wasted money on it.

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